About Us

Our Purpose

Symphony East is a charitable organization founded in 1962 as an affiliate of the Pittsburgh Symphony Association. It was founded as an educational and social organization which would promote knowledge of and interest in what the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra has to offer in our community. Through our programs we seek to learn about and enjoy music, to acquaint newcomers with various projects relating to the PSO and the Pittsburgh Symphony Association and also to financially support the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

Symphony East has a regular membership meeting with a musical program in the months of September, October, February, March and May. It has also been traditional to plan a special Holiday Luncheon in December and a Spring fundraising event, such as a Fashion Show in the month of April.


Membership is open to anyone who demonstrates an interest in the welfare of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and who enjoys listening to and learning about music.

There are 3 categories of membership:

Active Membership (Individual or Couples).  Active membership is for those who are able to help in some capacity with the ongoing projects of Symphony East.

Patron Membership.  This is for those who want to support, attend programs, and enjoy benefits, but are unable to contribute time.

Current dues levels are:

Active Membership: $25.00 per fiscal year

($15.00 local, $10.00 Symphony donation)

Couples Membership:  $45.00 per fiscal year

($30.00 local, $15.00 Symphony donation)

Patron Membership:  $35.00 per fiscal year

($23.00 local, $12.00 Symphony donation)

Dues are payable each year at the September meeting with a deadline of December 1. New members admitted after the March meeting pay for the following fiscal year.

I’m interested – how do I join?

Please print out the Membership Application digital file. Complete the form and mail it with your membership dues to the address indicated on the form. We look forward to welcoming you as a new member at our very next meeting!

Symphony East 2023-2024 Membership Form